domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009


Never have been so much talked before about violence, corruption, delinquency of adolescents, addictions, natural disasters (environmental problems, etc..) and artificial disasters (disasters of aircrafts, trains, cars etc..).
It even seems that there is no other issue on the Planet! So, this is the favorite subject for newspapers, television, radio, internet etc, which gives more viewers!
Because mankind, frightened by all this, is looking for (in the communications ways) an explanation to so much suffering, but, meanly, one which brings a light at the end of this dark and horrific tunnel, where we are all going through.
And the answer exists!
It is occurring with the thinkers the same which has happened with all phases of the past, because there is no phase of nature which is eternal, because nature is of changes!
As we are all here in passing, all stages are also passing!
And what is taking place all over the world (and most people have not realized), is the end of the phase of thought, since 1935, and the thinkers have lost the right of living!
And as the phase of the thought has ended, no one finds a solution in the thought for all the excruciating problems of humanity!
So that, nature is treating to destroy the thinkers, as well she has destroyed al phases in the past, because nature is of changes!
To find the lost balance, all have to develop your reasoning!
Nature, disgusted with her inhabitants, because they are thinking in the Phase of the Development of Reasoning (the Pineal Gland), which is the phase of the Third Millennium, she is allowing and providing all sorts of suffering, to see if her children wake up understanding the New Phase, which has entered, the Rational Phase. That is why, who is thinking inside the Phase of the Development of the Reasoning, is destroyed by one's own nature, because the thinkers have lost the right of living!
Because we do not belong to the world of the thought. We belong to the world of the reasoning, the RATIONAL WORLD (from where we came): we are Rational animals, our origin is Rational, not animal, animal is who thinks.
Therefore , we must know what is an animal being and what is a Rational being, so that we will know the difference between the thought and the reasoning, for that we pass to EVER REASONING and NEVER THINKING, because thought is for the communication and understanding among animals and not among Rationals.
And a living Rational being who lives thinking is always against his or her own nature, suffering day and night, night and day, being short-circuited!
That is exactly what is happening with the majority of mankind, for not having passed to Rationally know oneself, yet! When everyone passes to Rationally know oneself, everyone will be reasoning, not thinking. And so, all will find in the end of this dark tunnel (that is the world of matter) the True Light of Divine Providence, which will provide the end of all evil in the world, natural and artificial .
But for that, we need to read and study the Light of Divine Providence, which is the Book of the Development of the Reasoning, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, which changes so much ours lives to better, that our lives pass to be (do the test) a sea of roses in instead of a sea of thorns!
Be good to yourself, STOP SUFFERING! Get the Light that will always illuminate and open your ways and the ways of all who surround you, the RATIONAL LIGHT, from the RATIONAL ENERGY, from RATIONAL WORLD, in the Books
Ask your Book to P. O. Box. 78.019, Belford Roxo, RJ, Brazil, Code 26.131-970, or by site:

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