terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2012


“Everyone wants to smell the flowers, however just a few would get their hands in the dirt to cultivate them” words of August Cury that I found in the Internet.
A well put phrase, rationally speaking, that translates our sacred mission, as students of Rational Culture, to perform our tasks with love along the years of dedicated and deliberated work to take the message to the World, still unaware of the Rational Phase that can free us from the matter.
This world we live in with so many inhabitants, (we are 7 billion people), and so very few of these people, in fact, a small minority, are really busy with their brothers and sisters, for everyone came from the same source, the same World of Origin.
This minority, so small in proportion, but so significant and high, brings within the real Shine, the transcendental Shine that has never been achieved in this World before. This is the Divine Light of Providence that illuminates all of those who live only to help the others without looking who it is.
The mockery and sarcasm of the majority, with absolute unconsciousness, these students leave behind their diversions, pleasures and desires, calling off promenades and the material distractions to collaborate with the RATIONAL WORLD for the true salvation of the Human Kind, bearing in mind there is no better compensations than studying the God-Book and spreading its teachings, the teachings of Universe in Disenchantment, wherever they are.
I would like to congratulate the Human Kind for finding in these students of Rational Culture, the true representatives of humanity.
They are true human beings, and they have learned the ways to set free from the Matter in favor of their Similar and the Rational Nature, through the Development of The Reasoning. Many are still not with The Books Universe in Disenchantment in hands; however they add a lot with their Rational Behavior to the Human Kind.
There are volunteers working for the peace in the World, despite the very little recognition from the World Society. Indeed such a fact does not dishonor the work of these people who are not interested in anything at all but the true salvation of their Similar.
Congratulations to this wonderful people and our Rational Brothers, the students of Rational Culture! We are the winners in the Universal fight to plant and spread the true peace, the true love, the true fraternity in a World where the appearances have been cultivated for millions and millions of years by real wolves under the skin of lambs.
The World in its true form is a huge mud of miseries.
It takes a lot of courage, endurance, but, mainly, trust in the Truth, who is God, The Superior Rational, to roll up the sleeves and never mind getting involved with this mud of stinking matter. Only this way, one will be able to plant the Rational seeds of Peace, Love and Fraternity in all hearts.
These hearts which were many times as hard as stones composed by the sedimentation of all kinds of dirt.
The proof of the existence of this dirt is seen through monstrosities, taking place in the four corners of the World, as a result of the unlimited harvesting of the material values.
The unstoppable Selfishness. Each individual tries to be better, more beautiful, more perfumed, wiser, more intelligent, and shows with this attitude a total and absolute lack of intelligence, because there is nothing or anyone in the matter that can be considered good, for it is all composition of a fetid composition.
The Perfume, the beauty and the wisdom are not in the matter but in the true divine being each one has inside, which is the Rational Being, the Reasoning.
For a long time you have turned away from the Real God, by creating other Gods according to the conveniences of each people - materialistic gods, to cover up all the miseries of this impostor, the Animal Creature.
And now, for a long time Nature that has gotten revolted against the unlimited abuses, decides to bring everyone to their real places, offsetting everything so that there will be no stone over stone. It is an eye to an eye world.
Nobody has the right to complain. Nobody has the right to ask for anything. Nobody has the right to protest.
There is nothing wrong, people! Everything that is happening in the World and which is about to get worse is right and correct. All that was important to refrain the ferocity in people, otherwise, the beasts would have set fire in the entire World.
See the generalized pollution on earth, water and air. These abuses cannot go on forever, it is mandatory that a radical change should take place and do away with the old and outdated values and customs that have been fed and cultivated erroneously but taken as undisputed truth.
Thus Nature changed Phase, thank God! Nature entered a new Phase in 1935 to stop the destruction of the World. Since the Thought was disconnected from the Good to connect to the Evil – the termination process of the Thought.
Everyone needs to become aware of this change of phase, because the Thought has been terminated for 77 years, and the great majority of people is still thinking, as if the Thought could offer any solution to the worst problems through which the Rational Animal is now passing.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing left. The powers that ruled the human thought are leaving and taking away everything that comes across their way.
The Thought is the essence of the Matter and in the Matter nobody will ever find the Good, for there is only evil in the Matter.
Therefore, you should all leave the way of thinking. Leave the way free for these powers of the Thought, so that you won’t be taken to your moral, physical and financial Decadence! Develop your Reasoning!
We, Rational Students, have been warning about the dangers of continuing thinking in this new phase. So many Rational Conferences were held throughout the years, with the spread of this knowledge from door to door, Rational Caravans and so on and so forth! Through Radio and TV broadcasting and ultimately in the Internet!
A warning was issued about these days, this unbearable suffering and always worsening for everyone, who wouldn’t listen to the Recommendations!
Not everyone was willing to listen to them. And, now that the violence is getting out of proportion, you claim to God for a solution. You claim to the heavens for peace.
The peace, ladies and gentlemen, has long been on Earth, within each individual; all you need is to access it. To access it, it is necessary the true Wisdom that the World never had. If people held this peace, nobody would live against one another – brothers killing each other.
Where is the so called Wisdom? In the Books of Rational Culture, Universe in Disenchantment. The Books that we, students of Rational Culture, are spreading indistinctly through the four corners of the World.
There are people that will never change; they leave the most important things for the last minute. They just remember when they are dying in bed. The last minute has never been sufficient to solve the intricacies of life. They left the right to attain the uncertainties.
And all that why?
Through the neglect of serious things. For denying to leave their Zone of Comfort, which brings about only the material pleasures.
It is like feeding on the energy of the individuals, relying on others’ lives without taking into consideration what the others feel. Likewise is the same with Mother Nature. Nobody ever cares about her and her pain!
As the Superior Rational says in the BOOKS OF UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT: “The human beings are the worst parasites that exist on earth, because of the hideous crimes they commit against Nature.”
However, Nature has given an end to this situation. She won’t take any abuse, disrespect or reproach from the humans. She defined the Return of everyone back to their World of Origin – The Rational World.
Either through the Good or the Evil. Either go back through the doors above, through the development of the Reasoning or through the door below, descending to the inferior classes of the Irrational.
Why do you need to? Because as an Irrational Animal the individual won’t have any free will anymore to destroy Nature as they did. From Nature they will have only the essential for their sustenance.
No more Castles to live in, no more clothes and banquets; no needs for automobiles; no more industrialization to pollute the earth and water and none of the known apparatus to distract and support the appearances. All that is meant to feed on Nature’s resources.
However, for those who opt out to the Reasoning, Mother Nature will keep as humans but in a completely different kind of life. A much simpler life with new values, customs and proceedings that won’t compromise Nature’s integrity.
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, this is the time to make up your mind. You will go up or down; just bear in mind that the way down will last 7 eternities, paying off for the immature choice of not wanting to reason.
Let’s go up now, ladies and gentlemen! Leave your Comfort Zone! It is no worth leaving everything for the last minute, the last minute will only keep the door down open.
For this reason I take pride on the students of Rational Culture and the good people, who has reflected themselves on our great Master, the Superior Rational of the Earth, Mr. Manuel Jacintho Coelho, who is not among us anymore, the One who was courageous to leave the pure world – The Rational World, and wear this outfit of the animal life without being an animal in order to bring up the truth for the sufferers in the Earth.
It is reflecting on HIM, who came in anticipation to bring the Rational Culture to the Earth, that we should not leave for the last minute the wonderful change to return to our World of Origin. That is the reason why so many people have abnegated from the material life to study the Books of Universe in Disenchantment. Without disenchanting from the matter there is no way one can go back to RATIONAL WORLD.
Everyone is searching for a world of peace, love, fraternity, but, unfortunately very few will do whatever they can to make this world possible.
To smell the flowers, one has to plant them without minding whether one will have to get one’s hands dirty to do that.
In order to have a world of peace, we will have to be indifferent to the material sacrifices and to the stones thrown by the unconscious people. It is the ultimate quest to awaken the positive consciousness in the human kind, so that everyone will be able to enjoy a world of peace, love and fraternity.
By material sacrifices we understand the detachment from the unnecessary things of the Matter and the attachment to the necessary things for the survival.
Make sure of all this reality in the BOOKS OF UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, so that you can obtain all the proofs which can only be achieved with the development of the Reasoning. There will be proof of humanity’s unity, universally, because the Reasoning unites and the Thought divides.
You will find concordance in the Reasoning and discordance in the Thought.
Let’s plant the peace in the World – here and now. Reasoning now!

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