domingo, 6 de maio de 2012


The reason has always been mixed up with the right and the right with the reason due to our complete ignorance of LIFE. Thus, because nobody has ever known the true life, and they have only been connected to the temporary life, they insisted on obtaining from the temporary life only those things that bring them pleasure and happiness.
We tend to react only to what provides us with pleasure in the temporary life (which we entitle ourselves with) and deny anything that does not hold any correspondence, whatsoever. Thus, the positive or negative emotions.
We respond positively to whatever relates to pleasure in the transitory life (to which we feel entitled) and deny all the things that do not give us any pleasure. Hence, the positive and negative emotions; however apparently positive, because not all that gives us pleasure we can define as being right.
We miss at this point the true knowledge of the UNIT. This is just a reminder of the fact that the right that we adopt is wrong, and so is our reason. Hence our emotions will be wrong too.
All that is due to the material life, as the consequence of living under the dominance of an electric-magnetic ocean, as Einstein said: “We live in an electromagnetic Ocean.”
For this reason it is a perishable Universe, in constant degenerative transformations always in multiplication of the inferior classes.
Finally, it is a world out of its true natural and, for this reason, unstable and inconsistent.
Well, to begin with, there is no effect without a cause; there must be a field of superior life, imperishable and eternal to keep this second world we live in. Never forget, there is no son without a father. In order to be superior there can be no universe in transformations. Two empty bags won’t stand.
Only a balanced being can give support to an unbalanced being and make him return to Equilibrium.
The world in which we live is unbalanced, due to the dual electric magnetic field (two opposites: electric – the apparent good and the magnetic – the pure evil).
This duality was caused by the deformation process of one part of the superior world, unleashed by some inhabitants who; nevertheless through transformations, this superior world aims at annulling this process – which has been going for billions of years – so that the world in which we live returns to its natural state of eternal Rational equilibrium.
This duality was triggered by the deformation of a part of the superior world. These are irrefutable signs as to why we have never been able to know the true reason, the true right and the true emotion to the fullest; therefore we have become unbalanced beings and, consequently, incapable of obtaining the true peace of mind, the true love and fraternity – the basis of true happiness while we continue in these primary conditions of life.
This is a long and amazing report that discloses all the mysteries, riddles and transcendental phenomena, which precludes the dominance of the Electric and Magnetic, for bringing us to the true Origin and life basis. Human Kind now is receiving the ultimate logics pertaining the central brain machine (the Pineal Gland), which holds inside the seed of what was left from the Origin (the Reasoning).
Subsequently, man will let flow into his heart the crystal pure emotions that redirect us to the Natural Life Tendencies, which functions without compromising anybody, for it favors everybody rationally up to the principle of UNITY.
In short, everything conspires for the true integration of everyone to the Rational Phase and, consequently, allows its access to the true Reason and Right to the true emotions of sublime elevation that will conduct us to the true Peace, Love, fraternity and true happiness through the development of the Reasoning.
Do check all this reality exposed in the Rational Culture Books (Universe in Disenchantment) from which we have extracted this comprehension.
Peace and Health!

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