quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2012


(Severino dos Reis)
Nature has a new culture and regency of energy, and we, likewise, need to change accordingly. In this change a gap has been opened, and it is causing great unbalance between Man and Nature. It seems, suddenly, that Nature has become man's worst enemy; it seems that man wants to destroy Nature and vice-verse. The signs of Natural destruction is everywhere, for Nature has been inflicting on man havoc, through tsunamis, drought, earth-quake and so forth.
It is important, though, to emphasize that nothing happens without a reason in this World; everything has its reason for happening, and the reason is the redundancy of the need to return the human kind to its world of origin, THE RATIONAL WORLD!
Nevertheless, for man to be able to return to his origin, he had to ripe in his evolution. How could mother Nature teach everything to an infant baby. The process of learning follows the growth of the child, and only after reaching a certain age, the individual is able to receive all the lessons!
An analogy of this reasoning is recognized in the evolutionary phases of man: in the pre-history the human kind was in its infancy; the civilization represented its adolescence and now the maturity's process has reached its summit at the Rational Phase.
It is known that even the fishes that live in the abyss possess their own light. These fishes were condemned by Nature to inhabit these dark places; however they bring their own spark of light. We were condemned to live in this hole, which is the world, without any access to the Worlds above, nonetheless we, also, have our own spark of light, which is the Pineal Gland (the Reasoning).
Once we set this organ in motion we will know the past, the present and the future. We will access what the eye can't reach; in short we will overcome all psychic and physical limitations. All the knowledge and wisdom barriers will be overcome, because the light that exist inside of each one of us will shine. This is the true face of the Reasoning. In the RATIONAL CULTURE YOU will learn the real role and function of the Pineal Gland, and more importantly, how to utilize it for your development and evolution.

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