quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012


All the truths accumulated in this world were, in fact, a bulk of unspeakable abuses, coined in the history of decaying civilizations; so many years have been lost on the harvest of so much ambition, greed and vanity.
If we have dragged this rotted aspects of our personality so far, and loosing track of the real and dignified character, it is because we have always been bonded to our own thoughts and imaginations. We have never looked into the real cause of all those fallacies, instead, we got adrift from the sense of reasoning over the reality around us.
If we had reasoned over all those effects, we wouldn't have brought so much mess and havoc over Nature as we have been doing so far.
A more Rational approach would've prevented us from destroying Nature.
If the Sun exists it is because there is a reason for that. Likewise, we can reflect over the existence of the Moon, the Stars, the Water, the Earth, the Animals and the Vegetables. For each of these natural entities there is a reason why they exist.
When we are born we find everything out there. We have no right to question what we find and, least of all, transform it.
If we had proceeded in this way, we would manage to keep Nature in her good state. Nature has made and sustained us all to these days.
Now, it is time to surrender to this deep and punishing reality, and reflect over all of our notions and concepts, which we have embraced as absolute truths.
The Language of Nature translates and imparts a total different meaning of the so called Apocalypse, which was interpreted as the total decimation of the human kind. Actually, it is the phase of Redemption over everything and everyone.
Everyone is startled with the world's situation; a lot of people are reviewing prophecies and waiting for an avalanche of ruins, including the fatal date: December 21,2012.
All these negative prophecies and erroneous interpretations compose some great deception, for what is going to happen is not the world's destruction but its reconstruction, which had its foundations on October 4th,1935 in Brazil. Brazil was the blessed land by the Superior Rational to receive the New Era, the Dawn of the Rational Phase on Earth.
The world has its owner! And what kind of owner would so voraciously want to destroy the fruit of his own creation, since he is the holder of the SUPREME POWER OVER EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE. It is nonsense against Nature to think like that.
It is true, the ALL MIGHTY will do anything to make life better for his children. It is the lack of superior discernment that makes the great majority of people conclude that the Generous and All Mighty would destroy Life, even-though they believe that the Supreme Father, absolutely generous, want to elevate their knowledge of Life to its maximum natural justification.
In the book “ CAVALEIRO DA CONCÓRDIA, O HOMEM DO OUTRO MUNDO”, there is an explanatory and succinct phrase of what we are trying to put down here, dictated by the SUPREME POWER OVER EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, that says: “The suffering is not my sigh of rage but of love. Through the suffering I will polish, straighten up and save .”
There you have the explanation for the bleak moments the whole world is going through now; it is the separation of the chaff from the wheat, putting an end to the evil once and for all, so that the real good can flourish.
All we can do is to be thankful for the fact that the Divine Providence is truly working for the Rationalization of the human kind, harvesting the good and trimming out the evil, so that the world can be a shelter of peace, love, fraternity and universal concord.
It is urgent that you search this knowledge of humanity's true redemption and study the RATIONAL CULTURE BOOKS. The moment is of bliss, because December 21,2012 will symbolize the strengthening of the Good on Earth.

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