segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013


(Porfirio Jesus das Neves)
For a long time, man has been classified as RATIONAL ANIMAL. Some have even attributed the term “Rational” to his capacity of using reason; in fact, this classification is due to the fact that the human being is an animal, gifted with Reasoning. It is important to note, though, that this GIFT has never been used, while man remained as a free thinker.
As far as reason goes, we have seen through a number of experiments that even the irrational animal makes use of reason, though in a lesser degree of freedom, for the simple fact that they do not hold free thinking but conditioned thought.
In this aspect, and very well tested (I count upon the mental illustration that you can make out of this article, so that I don’t need to get into too many details); all these material being use thought to communicate with one another and to reproduce themselves. This is something exhaustive among the animals, vegetables and minerals in order to constitute what nobody had known until then, the CATEGORY.
The CATEGORY is of the beast, because they were all made of WATER. Without water there is no life, and even thought is made of WATER. The WATER generates all living beings through thought. The “male” thinks about the “female” and vice-verse. The acid thinks about the “basis” and, for this reason, there is a chemical reaction within the water. Thought is the potentialization of the electric and magnetic aspects of the WATER ( to make it short).
The thought of the Rational animal is free! In fact, there is a conditioned or vegetative aspect to it, which is the same for all species and another part which is free or logic.
The Rational animal’s origin has always been the reason for great historical confusion. Many attributed its origin to a “divine creation” (creationism) and others defended the theory that this origin was prompted by the evolutionary chain some species leading up to man (evolutionism).
Bottom line: either creationism or evolutionism will be the dichotomy used to justify the origins of the human kind. It is up to you to take either of them as reference.
Nevertheless, it is known today that these two aspects constitute only one of the origins of the Rational animal, namely, which refers to its material aspect.
Both creationism and evolutionism clarify the origin of the animal side only, which was originated in the formation of this second world, or the origin of the animal category. There is an anterior origin which is the Rational Formation, considered as the true origin of the human kind; likewise, we deem the 1ST WORLD as the ORIGIN OF THE REASONING. There you have the revelation of the two worlds.
The true origin is thus the first world (the divine origin). The divine origin is the Rational Part, the origin of the Reasoning, whereas the animal origin came through, subsequently, and produced the Rational beast. That is the origin of the Animal Category which split into rational and irrational..
“In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. The Earth was shapeless and empty; darkness reigned over the face of the abyss, and the spirit of God glided over the waters...”
This description provided by the Genesis brings up several questions with basis on the logic of cause and effect.
How did God create the earth and heaven? How and what for?
Why was the Earth shapeless and empty? Why had God created it shapeless and empty?
What about the darkness over the face of the abyss? Had these two, also, been of divine creation?
How can we understand the existence of darkness and an abyss in a world where only God existed? Or there was another kind of occurrence in parallel with the divine manifestation? And had this parallel manifestation spawned the world we live in?
Therefore it is safe to say that there might be two creators for this world, that is, two creating natures and not only one! Or rather we could wonder about the statement: “The spirit of God glided over the waters” Can you devise the notion of CATEGORY explicit in this statement?
The water is the key, for everything came from the water through the fecundation of God spirit. “The Reasoning is the master key of life fecundation.”
These fundaments have their base on the Genesis which is very clear and compelling without no discordance in relation to the true knowledge of the Human Origin.
I would go as far as to say that the dichotomy Evolutionism and Creationism are complementary in this sense, and they assert to us the notion of two origins, explicit in the formation of the human kind.
Each one of them brings up a series of events that can be traced from top down, that is, from the 1st to the 2nd world.
This attests us the fact that the biblical text cannot be applied, under the convenience of the creationists, exclusively through the sense of faith.
Neither the fundaments of the text, only because we have “faith” in it, can be construed without their sense of base and logic, which is inherent to it, namely the second origin. The basis is the RATIONAL WORLD - the Spirit of God -, and the logic (consequence) is the Rational Plain, which transformed into WATER and gave cause to the origin of the CATEGORY. This is a revelation of astounding nature, which could only come up in this enchanted world at this point in time. The world got enchanted simply by the disobedience to Nature (WATER in the beginning), caused by the abuse of the free thought, which spawned the artificial darkness, wrapped up on the knowledge of the old traditions. This traditional knowledge should be challenged and taken to clarify the existence of what exists in the world, for everything has cause and effect. The anterior state of being is the shadow of what you were. The shadow of what you were is the shadow of the place you left, and the place you left is the pure, clean and perfect bodies. This is a summary of the true origin of the human kind, or better, the origin of the beginning of the Rational animal life, which is the equivalent in the Biblical Genesis to the Spirit of God gliding over the waters. In other words, the Spirit of God is the REASONING. This information proves to us the fact why the Rational animals have never been able to use the true Reasoning, although they had been gifted with this capacity. The sheer logic could be construed through the following: the ox is an ox because it is the offspring of an ox; man is Rational because he is the offspring of a Rational being, thus God is Rational. Therefore two origins: the divine and the material; the 1st and the 2nd world; the FATHER and the SON; the RATIONAL BEING and the RATIONAL ANIMAL. Nobody was entitled to use the REASONING, only now with the advent of the RATIONAL PHASE the Reasoning will be developed to acquire its full function in the 3rd Millennium. The Divine Providence has been proved to everyone with an infinity of facts with base and logic in the Rational Culture knowledge contained in the books “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT”. This is the most important knowledge which brings to light the two Origins of the human kind - the divine and the material. The Rational Culture starts with the sentence: “Who art thou that the illusion is so great that thou art incapable of defining thy self? Thou shouldst know that thou art a material body, heading for the ABYSS of the daily life in the pursuit of acquiring material assets due to the great obscurity in thy spirit. For this reason the Rational Culture is in favor of everyone.

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