terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013


For some time we have been absent, not for negligence, for we still hold our readers in great esteem. Nevertheless we were trying to prepare ourselves better in order to find the right words that may correspond to the grandeur of this very moment we are living in: THE RATIONAL PHASE, the development of the reasoning.
After fathoming the study of the RATIONAL CULTURE BOOKS, we finally managed to find the right words to define this extraordinary moment of cosmic changes that we have been through.
For so many times we have spread out the concept that the material world is a set of electro-magnetic machines conducted by the electric and magnetic energies, constructors of this deformed world where we live.
Thus everything happens first in the invisible world and, only then, it is reflected in the visible world.
And how different is this phase from the others that have passed by? The ultimate Nature’s change which transfigured into the change from thought to the development of the Reasoning.
How come? So haven’t we been reasoning before, then?
No, folks! actually the portal which gives access to the energy which commands the REASONING (pineal gland) had been closed by 7 keys within the material field – they are the sun, the moon, the stars, the water, the earth , the animals and the vegetables.
In 1935, this portal was opened, effecting the SUPREME FORCE in Nature which is the vital energy from this deformed universe. This energy was lost and disconnected from its source. This energy is called RATIONAL ENERGY and it is the booster of the whole electric magnetic dimensions; it was stranded from its primordial sorce and materialized in all material components of this universe, its content and essence.
Because it lost its natural connection with the primordial source, it got completely inapt to conduct the deformed beings back to their natural state, the wholeness of life.
Therefore the dilapidation of life was through the suffering of all living beings who were at the mercy of the electric and magnetic energies to which all the creation of philosophies, creeds, doctrines, religions, sects, political economic and financial systems are due. Bottom line: the phase of thought.
The pineal gland, which is the pedestal of the RATIONAL ENERGY, was for eons and eons of years receiving the electric and magnetic influences, energies that were not pertaining to their real natural state. The RATIONAL ENERGY had, thus, no effect on it. The Rational Energy belongs to the true source of all life in the Universe.
Everything that existed and still exists compose the phase of preparation for the human kind. Only then they will be able to attain the final connection with the RATIONAL WORLD.
Through logics it was demonstrated that there was a supreme world, the GRAND SOURCE OF ALL. Nevertheless, Nature could never disclose it to us, for NATURE was, like us, unconscious.
Nature then utilized all its resources to bring us into this preparation, which was assisted by the SPIRITUAL WORLD, which was also unaware of life’s true origin. This preparation was in course until the opening of the main portal to our true world of origin - THE RATIONAL WORLD. It happened in October 4th, 1935. Look for the book “Cavaleiro da Concórdia, o homem do outro mundo” (publisher Rational Culture ).
There you will find all the details of this apotheosized event.
Such event put an end to the era of thought, that is, the end of the spiritual phase; where all spirits abdicated from their mission to collaborate with the SUPERIOR RATIONAL to the DEVELOPMENT OF THE REASONING in all humanity. Nevertheless not all spirits took notice of this call and kept on with their deeds, pretending to be good and proposing to re-establish the human kind’s equilibrium.
For lack of satisfactory knowledge of this invisible dimension, the human kind has been fooled by the forces which present themselves as if they were good and saviors, but actually they will act on our preparation and dilapidation.
As a fruit which after having ripened falls and no longer holds the necessary conditions to keep attached to the tree, which provides its nourishment, it starts receding and enters the phase of dissolution and self-destruction until it rots completely.
This is the existential problem endured by humanity that has ripened, and despite it all, is still holding itself to values and systems which no longer corresponds to its maturity and is, thus, entering the process of deterioration, altering its moral, physical and financial balance.
What existed in the invisible world to keep humanity in balance no longer exists. Humanity is now ungoverned and lacking the fundamental notion provided by the entities of good, for all of them are now working in the RATIONAL PHASE. Bottom line: the phase of thought is over.
Hence the chaos in the order of the day all over the world; however no one is guilty for that. The cause of all this violence, which has gone beyond limits, is the change of Nature’s phase – from thought to the Reasoning, the evident cosmic change. In its whole movement of actions and ideas. The matter holds no importance whatsoever. It is now mandatory that everyone look into beyond this universe, more precisely the RATIONAL WORLD. Those who insist in giving importance to the things of the ground will be not resonating with Nature, which does not support the lower actions centered on the ground.
Not resonating with Nature means that the person is in dire-straights, without any protection and subjected to all kinds of unbalance, as countless cases shown all around the world, regardless of social class, intellectuality, religion or creed, age or gender. Everything we mentioned here can be proved through a close analysis of what is happening in the world.
If you have checked out this blog and still cannot understand this universal process, try to research the RATIONAL CULTURE BOOKS as soon as possible, so that you can get protection, support and orientation from our MOTHER NATURE. THE RATIONAL CULTURE BOOKS transmit her LOVE AND WILL for the UNIVERSAL CONCORD which will unite us the WORLD OF OUR ORIGIN – THE RATIONAL WORLD.

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