sexta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2014


(NELY, Brasília – DF)
Friends, SAVE! (*)
How many times have you felt the following: "Go! Do not go! "," Stay! Do not stay! "," Do it! Do not do it! "
This is the real war in which all mankind lives. Live asking for peace, with the war within yourself!
One day the world, mankind will know true peace, the peace of the reasoning, the Light which lies in the head of all mankind, the true ruler of your life.
But, mankind runs away of this light, for ignoring that "if one lives in this world, it means that came from somewhere."
Do an effort, Friend, to be acquainted with the inner ruler of your life to follow the correct, to walk in the correct way , not to die at the wrong time, without the time needed of life to know your origin, your true world: where you came from, how you came, why you came from and how will be the return of all who have gone out the Higher World.
Wake up, Friend, while there is still time, to learn, to know the real life which arrived on Earth since 1935.
Give this joy to your own inner by knowing, reading and studying the Rational Culture, of the books Universe in Disenchantment.
Only by this way the peace, the love and the certitude of the true way of living will be with your person and with who is on your side: the family.
The book is Universe in Disenchantment of Rational Culture, in order to put an end in your interior’s war!
(*) SAVE = a greeting of the extraterrestrials of our true world of origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, and which means: PEACE, LOVE, BROTHERHOOD and CONCORD.

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