sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012


The World is full of people well cultured and informed.
They know this and that and everything.
They can give you details and outstanding explanations...
However, the World is getting worse and worse!
Therefore, one can see clear that as people get more knowledge they get more far apart from each other (not all of them, though). The proof to that are the fights, discussions, misunderstandings, rebellions, quarrels, crimes, monstruosities, wars, which never cease around the World.
A true Mad House! Mad people full of knowledge: Dangerous People!
The problem is: they know it all but cannot discern it.
To know something is one thing; to discern it is quite another: one should transform knowledge into discernment – that is the fundament of practice.
To know something without practicing it for the union, it is better not to know anything; at least the gap between people will shrink, and, as a consequence, the fights, discussions, incomprehension, misunderstandings, rebelliouness, quarrelness, crimes and monstruosities will diminish.
The Knowledge is worthwhile only when it is used for the union, on the other hand, it will spread vanity, arrogance, greed and all that is unworthy to the human profile.
Once the Union is met, there is Rationality, reason to live and exist: there is Reasoning!
Let’s reflect about all this, so that we won’t cry in vain for the spilled milk, which is the Knowledge waisted by the presumptous EGO.
Culture symbolizes the UNION of everything and everyone!
Union is the REASON OF LIFE!
The Reason of life is RATIONAL, not animal!
Union is RATIONAL.
Let’s study and PRACTICE, then, the RATIONAL CULTURE.

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