segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012


(Ubirajara Pisão)
Those who had the priveledge of meeting Master Manoel Jacintho Coelho in person have a lot to say about the endless proves of his gifts and SUPERIOR RATIONAL IDENTITY.
Let’s report today the stories of PRINCE. PRINCE was a dog who lived in the “Retiro Racional”, a place where the Rational Culture Books were compiled, when the Master was still here.
The barks of Prince sounded through the wee hours and seemed like thunder roaring in the murky night. The dog’s eyes were like two small red points flaming on the sidewalk leading to the Three Power Place.
It was dawn and the Master was leaving to give instructions, involving the works in the “Retiro”. Prince started waving his tail after seeing him as a response of affection.
The Master said, “ This is Prince”.
Prince displays sadness in his eyes, and he laid down, then. The collaborators saw the scene.
“You see – said Master Manoel to Prince – “ you drove yourself off the Astrologic Alphabet's route, and now that you have turned yourself into a dog, you will have to run all the hierarchies of the irrational. You gained yourself your present conditions, what else can I say?”
The wife of a great friend of mine, who was responsible for a Rational convoy here in Rio de Janeiro, watches and listens to everything with scepticism and asks:
“How could a dog have become a prince?”
The months went by and Prince, with his bearing and thunder barking, could easily be taken by some other threatening animal in the night.
In the Retiro publisher's office, there was a group of women on duty that came from all parts of Rio de Janeiro by bus, and they helped to compile the Rational Culture Books.
They spent the night sewing books, folding paper, talking and, in the morning, they went to their houses feeling greatful that they had, once more, accomplished their duties with the human solidarity.
They spent the night sewing books, folding paper, talking and, in the morning, they went to their houses feeling greatful that they had, once more, accomplished their duty with the human solidarity.
The sun was beginning to show its first rays with the musicality of the birds chants. In this moment, a tall man, wearing clothes of a monarch with a lot of medals on his chest and shining outfit. He, then, touched her, looked right into her eyes, making her feel scarred, for she had no idea of how that man got into the “Retiro” and who he was.
Some long seconds later the image of the tall man ebbed away giving form to a big dark dog, crouched on its fore-legs.
The woman left in a hurry to the porch where Mr. Coelho was seated. She then tells him about her preposterous experience, to which Mr. Coelho says: “Now, do you believe what I have said about Prince?”
Mr. Coelho asked the woman to report it to the Rational Newspaper and the internal TV News that happened every Sunday night in the “Retiro Racional”.
Such fact came to the knowledge of hundreds of people that heard the story of the dog-prince, which had been a prince at the time, when the Astrologic Alphabet was still running.
This is the proof that added to the confirmation of the Superior Rational Status of Master Manoel, who knew the past of all people, which stemmed from the primeval times when the beings were born from the ground, going through the phase of monster, the phase of savages and down into the civilization, which met its end in 1935, to the present days.
He also knew the future, for what is planted is what is harvested. Thus nothing happens without a cause. Actually there is no death but transformation from one life to the next. Master Manoel is still among us as some people with the Rational Clairvoyance can attest this fact.
The RATIONAL WORLD now is connected with the DEFORMED WORLD, which is this world we live in.
For this reason Master Manoel can be seen among us; he returned to the Rational World but since the two worlds are connected, he happens to be in both of them now. He is working for the recuperations of human kind, through the development of the Pineal Gland – the organ of Reasoning.

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