quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013


(Wilma Fernandes)
Nature has been changing, altering the matter, for a long time. However nothing changes overnight in Nature.
In the phase of the savages, the changes leading up to the phase of civilized did not occur in one or two generation but through eons of time.
Each generation would produce fewer and fewer savages and more and more civilized. And after millions of years that phase of civilized was totally consolidated.
Every new generation, the individuals came with a lighter and more refined matter, and even their appearance was softened and adaptable to the new environment and food.
This transformation keeps going to these days and time, and now, it will complete its pinnacle from Rational animal to Rational Apparatus.
When we study Rational Culture, we learn with thought and reach the Reasoning through what we feel from the reading. Without feeling what we read and study, we are not able to fathom the knowledge embedded in between the lines, precluding, thus, the development of our Reasoning.
That shows how important it is to study with full attention in order to feel what is being read, bearing in mind that only in this way the Reasoning will be developed.
Therefore, thought is important for the Rational Phase as a supporting basis for the development of the Reasoning, having, otherwise, no other function in the present phase.
Reading the book Universe in Disenchantment without filtering its messages through our feeling will produce only a foggy notion of the development of the Reasoning. The literal approach of these works is unlike their transcendental value and function, which escape the average interpretation.
Only the transcendental feeling will provide us with the grasp of the messages in between the lines, for these messages speak to the Reasoning and develop it.
This transcendence is managed little by little as we fathom the Rational Knowledge, which demands from us assiduity and obedience to the teachings. Nothing can be achieved overnight.
These points will, certainly, help us achieve a good Rational development right away.
And, thus, our own material composition will transform very naturally without letting us aware of its transformation, for everything that is natural is not perceptible to our senses; one can only see its effects with time.
It is through these transformations of our material body that the legitimate Rational Apparatus will will be born.
If we research our Forebears, we will realize that even their traits were rougher than ours; and likewise was the food and everything else compared to these days.
The future generations will have, in the aftermath of these transformations, much lighter and softer traits, with a very different feeding and healthier habits.
All that will be possible on account of the transformations, which will lead up to more refined dimensions with lighter frequencies, to the point that the material body will turn into essences.
At this point in time, the future being will be born, levitating, because the essences are above the ground, consolidating the Rational Phase.
Let's check this excerpt of the 14th volume of the book Universe in Disenchantment.
“The essence of the matter is an improved substance for being of Rational extraction; so, the essence is of a superior class, which is of Rational Apparatus, nevertheless, the rough matter is also part of the Rational Apparatus within the Rational Phase. This material rough body is, in spite of that, in the category of Rational animal, which after some time, will transform and become essence of the matter. The future Rational Apparatus will be perfect but living in the matter, whilst its essence keeps transforming.
For example: the perfume which is liquid, has its part that is not liquid, but it is an essence that perfumes.
Bottom line: these transformations are inherent to the matter and the way to reach its essence. The essential body is a body with life just like the material body, but in a different form."
The legitimate children of the Rational Phase will be born levitating, because their formation will be of essences.
We, Rational Apparatus, have our levitation in the cosmic body, that is, a body of vegetable, material and Rational essences (7th volume of the Replica from the Universe in Disenchantment Books.
The phase of recuperation means being on the improving process of this body of the vegetable and material essences in order to get to the body of Rational essences.
This is the process of purification and recuperation (7th volume of the Replica from the Universe in Disenchantment Books.
This is the part of our body that will levitate; it is our cosmic body, not the material body that levitates Rationally.
Many Rational Culture students have probably experienced a situation in which they were seen somewhere when they were not there, in fact. This happens because the body of cosmic essence goes wherever it wants, talks to people and helps people who are in need. And this happens without they knowing it. So they get surprised when they hear, “I saw you there and you were the one who talked to me.”
That is what levitation means in Rational Culture.
Thus the legitimate children of the Rational Phase will be of flesh and blood but belonging to the dimension of the essences, not the rough matter; for this reason they will move in the Space.
That is the function of the ascending dimensions: to improve the essences. They hold the power of levitation and they are working for our return to the RATIONAL WORLD.
You see the rough matter does not ascend, because it is the water drop that gives formation to the human body, and it only goes down; the water goes down always. What goes up is the vapor, which is the essence of the water.

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