quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012


There is no effect without a cause. Therefore if there is this world in which we live, there is a Superior World that is the cause and origin of this one where we live in.
The 1st World is pure, clean, flawless and Rational. And the 2nd World is dirt, impure and full of flaws, the deformed Rational (the electric-magnetic).
What happened then before the existence of the deformed World? It was the incursion of the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD into a small part of it. This part was not yet ready for progress. Actually it was being prepared to get in progress. The incursion of the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD caused that part to detach from the rest above. Then, this part, which is the Rational Plain, started to come down, and the consequence of it you will know in the books of Rational Culture – THE UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.
For this reason, there are two worlds: the RATIONAL WORLD and the deformed world, which is the one we live in. The Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, that entered in the Rational Plain, started to progress by themselves, exchanging their energies with the Rational Plain, which produced their materialization in it; this phenomenon caused them to become two in one: one part from the Rational World and the other part from the Rational Plain.
But who are these Inhabitants? We, ourselves, and for this reason, we are here suffering the consequences of what we did to ourselves.
The part that is from the RATIONAL WORLD is the Pineal Gland, the gear of the Reasoning, right in the mid-brain. The part of the Rational Plain is our body of matter with two representatives in our head: the machine of thought (located on the right hemisphere) and the machine of imagination (on left hemisphere). The description of these facts you will have in the books of UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTEMENT.
Thus the imagination and thought do not belong to our true nature, only the Reasoning does. However the Reasoning can only function on the Energy of our true Nature – the Rational Energy. Once the human kind is aware of the fact that there is an inhabitant of the Rational World materialized inside the human head, they will be able to devote total respect to it and to their similar.
Life will become a lot better and everyone will do whatever they can to attain the Energy of their true Natural. Nobody will want to think anymore.
The development of the Reasoning is mandatory for everyone who wants to connect to their true source, the RATIONAL WORLD. With the Reasoning fully developed you will be able to be in control of the matter and attend to the norms of the 1st World – the RATIONAL WORLD.
Planet Earth will become a paradise. The deformed Nature will also change in response to the perfect equilibrium achieved by humanity.
Nature is that part of the RATIONAL WORLD that got detached from the source up there. Nature will no longer produce diseases, beasts, natural tragedies, bad insects, bad herbs and all kinds of evil. We will get everything right, leaving our flaws and defects behind, for the real Rational Nature will favor us in all that we need to lead a life of fraternity and universal concord between the peoples.
And what is necessary to get to this point? It is necessary that each one of us is aware of this positive reality exposed in the books of RATIONAL CULTURE.
The knowledge of these books is dictated by the Superior Rational, who is an entity from the RATIONAL WORLD, who chose Brazil to receive this grand Revelation. These books have the assistance of the Rational Beings to conduct us through the Rational Development, and they are present wherever there is a light book of these around.
This is the reason why we, the students of Rational Culture, keep spreading the name Universe in Disenchantment. This is the way to enlighten people with the knowledge of everyone's Origin. This is an extra reason that reinforces the aspect of love among people of all classes and races, for we all know now that the human kind descends from one single source, and everyone brings this grand personality inside their heads, the INHABITANT OF THE RATIONAL WORLD, materialized in the form of Reasoning machine. We also know that this Inhabitant is suffering for being kept hostage in the Matter, and it needs URGENTLY to be developed to connect to the RATIONAL BEINGS WHO ACCOMPANIES THE BOOKS. This process will be accomplished through the dematerialization of the Rational Being who will be conducted to its World of Origin by the Rational Energy, whereas the material body will be re-integrated to the Rational Plain.
All the horrible things that are happening in this world is due to the fact that the phase of thought and imagination is over, and the world is under a new guidance, the guidance of the Rational Energy.
The Rational Phase was inaugurated in 1935. The phase of thought and imagination reached their pinnacle and started decaying while a new phase started emerging, the RATIONAL PHASE.
For this reason everything that is connected to the thought and imagination will be destroyed, because this phase was the polishing process of the human kind to be prepared for the present phase.
The present phase will take everyone back to their true world of origin, the RATIONAL WORLD.
Anyone who does not comply with the new order will suffer and fall inevitably to the inferior classes of the irrational. That is the imposition of Nature and no one can negotiate it. Nature doe not trade her rights. The ultimate order is: either you develop your Reasoning or you will go down to the class of the irrationals. Nature is the one who gives and maintains life. But since the Will is free, it is up to you to go up or down to the inferior classes.

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