quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012


(Porfirio J. Neves)
The goal of Rational Culture is to connect the whole humanity to its World of Origin, the Rational World, and make the human beings receivers of all guidance necessary to the human equilibrium, even-though they are still living in the matter.
Within this context we will try to understand what is happening all around the World. This is the Logic presented by the Superior Rational: (R-10-p.113) “ In order to be in touch with the pure beings, it is necessary to keep a sound and not a dirt moral as if you were filthy criminals.
It is necessary to keep a balanced demeanor, in pair with the requirements of the Superior World. By keeping a bad character you will never be able to attain this connection. A bad attitude belongs to the inferior levels of life.
God will not admit to be one thing inside and another outside. The Truth should always prevail by expressing outside what we have inside. The deception is a trait of the Deformation. That famous phrase “do what I say but do not do what I do” is completely nonsense.
I spent part of my youth listening to this phrase in the old days when I was indoctrinated at the Catholic Church. I can wonder what is being said today – do what I say but do not do what I do ! Hey, pal! This is definitely not for me.
This fact alone made me reject spontaneously any sort of indoctrination. This is the sheer proof to the existence of some spark of intelligence that I still have! And I don't mean only the religious indoctrination, but all education and cultural principles that I learned at school.
I got this sense of lack of commitment from people who say these words. For this reason, I got insubordinate; however I always kept myself within the established range of limits. The fact that I could never spot much of coherence in all these aspects made me always hang on within the rational procedures.
I learned with the Rational Knowledge that it is essential to keep this correspondence between words and actions, that is, what we are and what we seem to be. Therefore, you should connect to what can really make the connection. What divides can offer no real connection at all.
Connecting to your true Self presupposes coherence between the two sides. Without coherence there will be no correspondence and ,consequently, no connection with the Above. How can we pursuit God through nothingness, through division?
By saying that only Jesus can save, you exclude any other perspective of Salvation, which can offer you a natural polishing and personal development. This concept fails to get you connected to anything other than nothing!
For attaining any kind of connection, it is indispensable a true relation between words and actions to start up with; there lies your full development – thus an authentic and well development of the personality.
Living for the Truth in our hearts is up to us; we should make it a rule in our lives, and have it for the sake mere conveniences. Normally, we tend to balance what is convenient with what is inconvenient in our lives. And this type of analysis won't take us through the Truth of what we really are.
Think about the Rational Culture, which aims at connecting the human beings to the Rational Supremacy – the world of the pure, clean and perfect beings. So, search for your own Rationalization and try to put yourself on the firm basis of natural human potentials, and follow the guidance of your true Origin, without intermediary. By the way, pardon me for the word “intermediary”, since the phase of the “intermediary” is over!
Think about the analogy between the Welding and the Metals: the welding is necessary for the junction of the metal structures. A metallic ligament will be adequately molded providing what is know as Eutectic Ligament. The human ligament with the Rational World, resembling an eutectic metallic ligament is made without intermediary, without preachers, priests, counselors of any sort, for it is solid and wholly.
This ligament is made through two energies: the energy of the pure, clean and perfect beings with the essence of the energy of the deformed beings, who are below, in the matter. The Rational Culture will prepare us, step by step, to understand how it happens and then to detach from everything that is not good and malefic to life.
The rot matter cannot connect with the Pure Energy! The issues of values sometimes take long to be assimilated, depending on the character of each person. Normally, it is accepted the idea that to acquire a “sole personality”, truly Rational, it is necessary the Rational knowledge of the World. It is necessary to follow the quantic guidance inherent to Nature.
This quantic guidance is what we refer as the Map, Plant and Compass of all of our Formation and Creation, which brought Life and Universe to existence. Check the following assertion: “If somebody can prove to me from where I came, and to where I'm going, then this is the One I'll hang with.
He is the true Savior ”. That is the correct position for those who want to attain the correct connection. Nevertheless, what concerns the below has a much perverse aspect to the personality.
When connecting to a new power, what lays behind should be disconnected. It is hard to connect to the Above, with the pure, clean and perfect Energy, when you are still attached with the Below. And this is the perverted aspect. Many people judge their actual connection with the perverted aspects of the Below as something sound and normal, by giving much more value to the material thing than to the real needs of life, which assume outstanding importance these days.
There must be the correct correspondence between what one does and is! How can someone offer you protection when they themselves feel unsure and unsafe? For example, this has been happening for a long time now; the Police offer protection but they search for the same thing against the Organized Crime. How is that possible? Where is the correspondence between the parts?
We should pay attention to these analogies in order to be able understand the importance of the correspondence between what is real and apparent. How can preachers preach about Jesus Christ and what he represents when they themselves act in a mundane and immoral way?
This is clearly the aspect of a rot reality. It is the same when many people criticize the Politics, but they forget that if they were in there places they would act just like the same.
The true connection requires a true correspondence: “He who can prove who I am, from where I came and to where I am going is the One I am with! The Rational Culture was organized by the True Personality without any intermediaries.
It offers unquestionable proves presented by the One and no intermediaries. It welds, through the true fusion, the human character with its real essence of pure, clean and perfect being. It is through the Study of the Books Universe in Disenchantment that one can connect to the Real World of Man's Origin. Then, you should connect to what makes the real connection. This is the goal of the Rational Culture, which is to put the human beings with their true World of Origin, and from it the human beings will receive all the necessary Guidance to live in this World. The true connection will unite humanity and not divide it!
(*) R = Books of Replica of Universe in Disenchantment

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