sábado, 12 de maio de 2012


(Valdir Santos Alexandrino – www.rccvsarcn.wordpress.com)
Several Compilations have been approaching this neufragic issue: Consciousness. Some of them contain high significance, providing us with priceless Knowledge.
For a long time the Oriental Sage have discovered that there is a natural field of action in Nature which rules over us, individualizing us and connecting every single being to her.
Consciousness is understood today as the principle which attains our connection with the whole, that is, all the lives around us. The polimetry of the Mother Life of all lives is making its introduction throughout the World, which is growing astoundingly each day.
The electric-magnetic is a system of Natural energies in this Deformation. And the electric-magnetic mind in its evolution has created a plethora of terms to describe this Fluidic vibratory Aura where the Magnetism of the material Mechanics resides.
Shifting from one pole to the next, entering the Field of analogies grasped through the Rational Culture studies, one can assume with conviction that this “Consciousness” is not the real CONSCIOUSNESS but the DEFORMED CONSCIOUSNESS of the humans.
As a matter of fact what consciousness could exist in the mind of someone who has never known the Truth about themselves? Only the Superior Mind to all the minds in the Universe – the Superior Reasoning – could give details about consciousness in its all levels.
Those who do not bear the real knowledge of what they are, how they ended up here and to where they are going cannot say anything about that. Indeed, they live unaware of the Truth, for in this world in constant transformation there is no Truth at all. And that is the reason why everyone is so confused.
A being that is on constant transformations cannot be right about anything, and least of all, say why he is a Rational animal. In Rational Culture we learn why we are Rational animals as the Writings define 3 functional parts in which this Energetic Aura of this universe is divided.
In the volume 144th of the History, in the 4th message and in the 171st vol of the History in the 7th message one reads: as the 1st functional part , we have the liquid part, or the liquid field which composes the ground. It is the electric-magnetic Energy transformed in liquid that will compose the generating ovule. They are micro-bodies of energy in energetic state from where the perishable life springs out and deletes by itself, since this Energy is temporary. This is the definition of that inexpressive liquid called Semen, but at the same time, so important for the reproduction of Human Life.
The 2nd part is the formation of an apparent being, resulting from the essence of the magnetism which is also the product of a transformation. The receiver of an electric-magnetic Machine of transitory Life. It is the being that functions as a machine, and it still resides on the limits of the human visibility. As you can see we are made of the electric-magnetic Energies transformed in liquid. And that is the reason why we are commanded by these two Energies.
As the 3rd functional part, we have finally the energy in its invisible state which no one can see, even-though it is still in its living state. In this sense, we can talk about the essential level of it, pertaining to the invisible electric-magnetic Field.
Actually, it commands all creation with its Tools through Thought and Imagination. Considering its fluidic aggregation, it is responsible for the essential Life, that is, the whole World. Nature is has ownership over everything that is living. And, whenever she is mentioned in Rational Culture, it is this power that supports this whole ecological and astral systems of lives of which we are part of. But not only that, this power is also conscious and is in charge of our polishing and dilapidation.
The 3rd Energy is the One materialized in our Mid-Brain as the Reasoning Machine. Now then, since 1935 Nature has changed Phases and the evolving behavior is being carried out by the Rational Energy, for Thought and Imagination were molding the animal behavior.
Now that the Rational Phase has been promulgated, the other two energies, namely, the electric-magnetic will be transformed into invisible beings of the inferior classes, because the Phase of Rational Animal is over. Whoever continues in this class of existence will move down to the inferior classes, for Matter will carry out only with the formation of the irrational.
With the demise of the reasoning in the Matter the individual, who is still living in the Matter will move down to the classes of the irrational. Remember that the Architects of Life on this plan were the electric and magnetic energies, and since they carry the formation program, the beings made by them will be formed according to the level they will be functioning – if it is inferior, they will no longer be able to form bodies of Rational Animals anymore.
You should also remember that there are three (3) components of the Rational Animal Body, and once one of them is disconnected, this body will not hold that property anymore – the Rational Energy property. This is the Fall of the individual to the 22nd eternity. The true Representative of the person's existence, which is the Reasoning, will have to go up to its World of Origin, otherwise, it will get astray in the animal world, involved in the inferior matter as an irrational.
The essence of the Earth is the magnetic energy and the essence of the Water is the electric energy. The Earth symbolizes the 1st Cosmological Field, whereas the Water symbolizes the 2nd Cosmological Field. You should know that the Earth resulted from a degenerative state of what it had been before, the Rational Plain which transformed into Resin under the Sun's effects; while the Water resulted from the degenerative state of what it had been before, the Rational Plain which transformed into Jelly Matter under the Sun's effects. The Earth is magnetic and the Water is electric. The Water penetrated the Earth and “fecundated” it producing Life.
However, what is it that had accounted for the Water to produce Life? It was its Energy Power. This Energy Power which is living and emanates from the Source of all life. The Origin is an eternal mass of Pure, Clean and Perfect Energy. This is irrefutable proof that there is no cause without effect. The cause of the son is the father – without the first, it is impossible to have the second. It is the same with this world. If it exists, it is the consequence of the first world, the cause of this second World.
For us this second world is the Anti-World because it is a world that will not favor a perfect life free from the flaws of matter. For this reason, Life is perishable in this realm. It is the Anti-World because it is not the original World; actually the Anti-World stems from a World that pre-exists it.
Nature gives the signs showing that we are not in our true World, because everything goes against the continuation of life on this plan. We fall prey to all kinds of vicissitudes imposed by Nature, such as ferocious animals, diseases, earth-quakes and so on and so forth. We live in a world with temporary bodies made of water mass, because this world is degenerated; it is consequence of the 1st World – the Rational World of pure, clean and perfect Beings.
Who made us? All these Revelations you will find the Rational Culture Books. Here is an excerpt of the History, which is part of the Rational Culture Books compilation: “You made yourselves this way. Because you were all Inhabitants of the Rational World – everyone living down there – and, you left the world up here, when you entered a plain that was yet not ready to be in progress. You did that in the exercise of your Free Will, and because of that you all got materialized as Reasoning Machines.”
Was this World made by God? What God? In the volume 180 th (4th message - 2nd title) we get the following answer: “ This World was made by some Rational World Inhabitants. This World is not of God's creation. A part of that world, an extension plain, which was not ready for development, received these Rational Beings, and started to transform until it got to the extinction of all those Rational Beings, who lost all their virtues.
They lost their Rational Life, extinguishing on the Resin and the Jelly Matter. This caused those Inhabitants to materialize in the Earth and in the Water; hence the beginning of this life which holds the materialized Reasoning. These Rational Beings are the same as those living down there as Rational animals, who never knew from where they came and to where they are going.
The Rational Beings are the real Constructors of this Universe. God is a Being from the First World – the Rational World. And God is the Constructor of the Rational World and, consequently, that Plain that came down here.
In the 2nd and 4th messages of the Historic volume of the Rational Culture Books, we read the following: “God created the Rational World, whose part degenerated into this plain that produced all Life down there. If there is this second world, it is because God had created the first world. However, this second world was spawned from an unbalance caused by the Rational Beings, who left the first world to enter the Rational Plain, which was not yet ready for the Rational development. Therefore this world is consequence of the Rationals' deeds. And now they are all materialized in the heads of the Rational animals as Reasoning Machines.”
My fellow people, we have all this apparent evolution, which is in fact a devolution. We are all going backwards, but thinking wonders of it. This is the greatest deception of Life, for we have been all this time lost and unaware of our true Knowledge.
Our apparent knowledge is permeated by unconsciousness. We have digressed through times in our own imagination, cultivating Legends as if they were true. Now stop to think for one moment, if God were part of this world of pain and suffering, what a singular tragedy life would be!
God does not belong to this world of thought and imagination, this world of lost Reasonings, this enchanted world of matter. Hopefully the Rational Culture has come to break these chains, put by thought and imagination and show the real identity of God.
The World is passing through critical moments right now, when the Rational animal is on the verge of destroying himself, for being connected to these two destructive energies, which do not belong to his real natural state of being Rational.
Everybody lives like animals and does not have anything or anybody to hold on to! And who could transmit all this information? Only the true God could do it. For he detains the knowledge of the pre- existence to this second world. And the Rationalization of the peoples depends upon this Knowledge of the True Consciousness, which can be attained only through the Development of the Reasoning. This is the Phase for its development and we should read the RATIONAL CULTURE BOOKS.
May we all have health and peace!
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