terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012


(Juliana Barros)
Where did we come from? Where are we going to? Who are we in fact? For millenniums these questions have teased humanity, who in their search for answers have created myths, legends, theories, philosophies and religions.
All that boosted sciences to great discoveries; however one single question remained unanswered. And, do you know why? Because we are many, not as a group or nation, but as an individual.
Each human being is a multitude universe, a plethora of thoughts, images, emotions and desires which change every minute, following a frenetic rhythms, which we can very hardly follow: the chain of our own mind.
If we cannot tell anything about ourselves, how can we know anything about Nature, the universe beyond our bodies and scope of life?
It seems quite impossible as far as it goes, just like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is, by the way, very demotivating for anyone in search of the Truth.
The great surprise is: we have never given up this search. It has been centuries that thousands of people from different cultures and backgrounds have had the curiosity and the impetus to get the answers to our existential issues, namely, from where we come and to where we are going.
Some step back and say: “ Stop thinking about something you will never be able to understand. The thing is let's enjoy life to the fullest. Carpe Diem.”
It is true! This conclusion is a good painkiller. However, this lack of objective produced this existential void in the human life.
Whenever the Suffering knocks on our doors, snatching us out of the comfort zone, we realize how important it is to get this answer.
For this reason we never give up. Among our thoughts and emotions, in the accomplishments of our daily obligations and polished by our suffering, we mature and learn to separate the the wheat from the tare.
We keep on that process until we found that great treasure: YOUR TRUE INDIVIDUALITY! WHO I REALLY AM! THE VOICE, THE VERB, WITHIN YOURSELF! This is the universe in Disenchantment, your universe in disenchantment!
This discovery, contrary to the current mindset, is not a self undertake. Quite the opposite, once we find our tuning, we find Peace. And Peace alone can provide Love. The true Love, which unites and offers comfort without jealousy or the sense of possession. Love is something divine that brings Freedom. Hence, we stop being a multitude of differences, like the colors of the Rainbow to become One with the White Light that contains all colors and takes us to God.
Only God's Love can unite the Perfect with the Imperfect, the Good with the Evil and the Right with Wrong. In light of the Divine Love we stop splitting through our differences to unite through our likeness. Whether you are North-American or Iraqi. Evangelic or Spiritualist. Poor or Rich.
This integration, this union was given a specific importance within the Knowledge, which has as the objective to increase the Divine Voice inside each and everyone of us: The Rational Immunization.
Being Rational is the capacity to transcend the instincts which differentiate us in the search for answers, and that is what connects us to god. We do not consider ourselves better than the irrational animals, but we are different from them.
We hold our Divine Gift within, which we call Reasoning. It is not the Reasoning categorized by the main stream with Reckoning functions and cold. The Reasoning mentioned in this Knowledge is infinitely powerful, because it represents our bonds with God, with the Origin of everything, and it is localized in our Mid-Brain – The Pineal Gland.
It is known that our world is composed, not only, by Matter, as far as we can see, but also of invisible energies to the eye which moves around in the world and our lives.
Our interaction with these two fields – namely, the visible and invisible – is a fact, whether you believe it or not. Our body is an astrological center capable of receiving and transmitting energies the whole time, just like a TV Set.
Where do you think our thoughts come from? Why it is so hard to control our own minds? It is as though we had an intruder in our own house, in our body! It is not even a bit pleasant to have this feeling...
Who has never felt anxious for trying to prevent a memory or idea from coming along with our thoughts, however without any success? Sometimes the idea is so involving that one has the impression of going crazy.
Therefore it is in the Pineal Gland the solution to all unbalance! It is in this organ the energy center that will connect us to our World of Origin! It is a code or program, a recipe that has been encoded for millions of years with all the answers that have always made us uneasy about the future of our species.
We call it the “Reasoning Machine”, the tool that was awaiting the right key to set it in motion. As the conductor conducts an orchestra. The Reasoning will tune up the unbalanced thoughts in our mind. Like a dexterous manager, it will not cut down our creativity but balance it through our emotions, providing us with good sense and the beauty of the self-knowledge, and above all, the correct orientation.
For this reason we should pull the strings of our own life, by immunizing against the virus of ignorance. Once the similarity of God is identified in ourselves, we will replace the manyness by the oneness. That is what was life in the Beginning: One Sole Vibration! The sole energy – Love.
Then, we will stop being Christians, Muslims, Evangelic, Atheists, Umbandists or Jewish. We will be only God's Children. Particles of the Universe. That is how the ANSWER will be given. In order to bring forth this meeting with our true selves we have to cultivate the knowledge of life with abnegation and wisdom. This is the Original Reason, God's Temple – our Divine Rational Culture.
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