terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2012


The Rational Culture is in favor of everything and everyone. It means: THE BENEFIT OF ALL. Therefore, it cannot be against anything or anybody. It is just the Truth that everyone is in need of right now.
Everything that has existed in the World has been of extreme importance for the development of human kind in all sectors of life. It is nothing but pieces and bits of a Whole, since everyone is deformed and disconnected from their true energy. Yes, I said TRUE ENERGY, because everyone comes from the same ORIGIN, and there is no effect without a cause. Thus, many cultural segments have occurred, offering their various tips of Truth, however, they have never been able to assemble the whole Truth, as they proposed to.
This is just an analysis of the Truth without any prejudice and very impersonal. Now, it has appeared in the World the WHOLE TRUTH, complementing what each cultural segment had lacked before.
Those who study Rational Culture are usually very caring and attentious with the people that are unaware of the Rational Culture, so that they will not feel inferior or diminished, for not having yet heard of this Superior Knowledge.
Each individual will, inevitably, come across it in his own time, for Nature is providing the natural evolution of the human kind. Nonetheless, one always reaches this conclusion before the others or later than the others.
The important is that everyone will reach the fundamental knowledge for their rationalization. In the world today, we see children, youngsters, adults and elderly people living up to their own phase and time.
It is not right to take the toys out of a child, since it is her way to relate to the World outside. A play or a toy is for a child a way for it to reach maturity. Likewise, it is not right to try taking out the inoffensive manias of an elderly person, for it is his way of keeping in self-control.
That is how the several cultural segments operate. Some are at a more primary level of life-knowledge, others are a bit more evolved in it and other are on their way to reach the Whole Truth.
Notice that no matter what happens to them during their process of maturing, they are slowly and gradually gauging the fundamental points to reach a common denominator.
The Rational Culture will complete what they are lacking. And it always does at a diplomatic fashion, with care, patience and much love, that is, with Wisdom. The Rational Culture will not interfere in the person's status, but it will provide what he or she needs right there, where they are.
This is the greatest proof of Love, Respect and Fraternity. Thus, this is the correct behavior of a student of Rational Culture, who knows everything that we really are, that we really were, and who can conduct us with care, love and patience.
He knows that everyone is incomplete, including him himself, who is still developing. However, he knows how far he can go, bearing in mind that it is essential to do it with love, pleasure and responsibility.
Nevertheless, because everyone is incomplete there is confusion with those, who consider themselves complete, putting themselves at a superior level than the others. But this is not true. Those who are truly complete will integrate themselves with everything and everyone and never envisage separation.
They know that the true life cannot be seen separated from all the other things that composes the Universe. For this reason, he will never despise anybody or anything. The Reasoning is in favor of everybody, so it does not marginalize; actually, it settles down all the differences and brings the Union to everyone.
Where there are different thoughts, there are confusion and suffering. The Reasoning is unique; it is the sheer TRUTH, and it is complete with the Truth of the Truths.
There is no confusion in the Rational Culture, because this knowledge stems from a unique point of view. There is only one Will and one Drive in the Rational Culture. The Will and Drive are to return to the True World of Everybody's Origin – the Rational World. The Rational World is where other Rational Beings follow their progress of purity.
It is time you all embraced the TRUTH, which is Rational, otherwise you will live in eternal confusion, for the phase of thought is over. Thought is falling and in liquidation, and it will lead all the thinkers to their demise, if they do not accept the ultimate Truth that can complete them.
Those who act with arrogance, rebelliousness and recklessness are marginalizing themselves, and not being marginalized by the phase. They are excluding themselves and not being excluded by the Rational Phase. To be complete it is necessary that one learns how to listen, and only then one can draw conclusions.
The precipitated judgment will only lead to deception. The books of Rational Culture is there for everyone to study, research and draw their conclusions. These books are the true mastering of peace, love and fraternity. This is the end of the CONFUSIONS!
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