sábado, 9 de junho de 2012

THE WORKS UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT (A Brief appreciation – 45th issue - 1st Replica)

(Publicação: http://rccvsarcn.wordpress.com/2012/04/15/a-obra-universo-em-desencanto/)
Truly, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT is a quite recent Literary Work, contain the revelations made by an Extra-Terrenean Being, the SUPERIOR RATIONAL, who inhabits the World of our True Origin – THE RATIONAL WORLD.
The language and composition is simple. It makes uses of its own linguistic resources to reach all the cultural levels, from the lowest to the top.
It represents one of the highest values, then the natural of everyone stems from the same origin, THE RACIONAL.
In its peculiar way of delineating a subject of enormous magnitude and universal grandeur, we come across several repetitions; nevertheless they are all of extreme importance, so that everyone can grasp in a singular way, what is Rational. Nonetheless, it is important to note that Rational is something that no one knows anything about. Therefore, since it is an unprecedented knowledge that has ever shined on the face of Earth, it is necessary to have a lot of exemplifications and repetitions to clarify what Rational really means.
The Revelations contained in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT WORKS are the greatest marvel in this world. They disclose our Origin, from where we came and to where we are going, and how we are going. A Knowledge no one has ever attained or will ever do.
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