sábado, 9 de junho de 2012


(Severino dos Reis)
Do you know who is God?
Do you know who God is?
It is said that God is the most perfect spirit who created heaven, earth and everything. If you have no idea of whom you are, how can you possibly know who God is, since you are yourself a particle of Him?
What you know is that you are a Rational animal, and if you are God's son, then God is also Rational. However we are Rationals at a deformed state; we are all imperfect and inferior!
Now then, the true name of God is: SUPERIOR RATIONAL. That is His true name. And, it was under this name that He brought the universal redemption to us, the Rational Culture.
THE RATIONAL CULTURE appeared in this world in the 4th of October, 1935. On this day, sitting in his room, he hears a voice saying: “Let's go, Manoel, the time has come.” He turns around and, finally, sees the man, whose voice he had heard all his life. His face shined as the Sun; his eyes were pure light flames, and his feet seemed like glowing metal. And the voice proceeded: “ MANOEL, I bring from your world a white pebble. On it, you will have to carve my name; a name that no one has ever heard of; and only those who are blessed by you will know it”
Manoel asks,” and what is your name?” “My name is SUPERIOR RATIONAL. And my message, MANOEL, is eternal. Are you ready to listen to what will happen on Earth?” Manoel answers, “yes!”
At this moment the lights in the candlesticks are blown away and the rainbow that had invaded the room disappeared; lightening and thunder reverberated; the Sun in the sky became red spot like blood and a hailstorm started; fire and the Stars fell onto the ground, like ripe mangos that falls from the mango tree; the islands were dragged by the tormented sea, and man and women, rich and poor got in desperation, looking for refuge in caves.
At this moment the voice spoke: “Be calm, MANOEL; neither the Sky nor the Earth or the trees will be damaged, while those who have been chosen to go back to their world of origin remain still there. My children will be safe in the eternal life, but for that, MANOEL, I will dictate to you a great literary master piece called UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. It is the continuation of all philosophical, scientific and religious knowledge which will bring man back to Eternity through the Development of the Reasoning.”
Therefore, my dearest Readers: there you have the biggest prove of Love that God could give to Humanity. Imagine if there were a pool of excrement and unbearable smell. Who would throw himself into it to save the microbes, which would be swarming inside, crying for Salvation? No one. However, the Superior Rational did that for humanity. For any being, living in the pure, clean and perfect World, to come down here in this world of matter would be the same thing. We cannot perceive how sordid our bodies are because we are part of this world. Get all these proofs in the RATIONAL CULTURE BOOKS.
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