sábado, 9 de junho de 2012


(Porfirio J. Neves)
The advancement and the progress of the human arts are in such a way, that it is very hard for the majority of people to follow all tendency of technological wonders which are, at the same time, terrifying, to say the least! I will not linger on details nor name all the new stuff that show up daily in the area of communications, medicine, engineer, informatics and so on and so forth. There are so many trends of innovations that are present in man's life these days that it is impossible to numerate or illustrate such prodigies.
I would like to call your attention to the speed with which all that happens. Suddenly, in a period of one month or so, new launches are made filling up a range of variety that surpass those of the preceding year. It is hard not to say impossible more older people to follow so much progress.
The new generations- I presume – feel very well trying to grasp the knowledge and use of all these new gadgets. It seems that they are born with the skills of using computers, last generation mobile phones even after they leave their diapers . On the flip side people who went through a different process of education feel a bit uncomfortable with so many resources and advanced forms of interfacing with all this artificial progress.
And to make matters worse, from time to time you come across slogans, such as leave the past! This just adds to the fact that this progress has the tendency to dismiss, in a subtle way, the old generation as stagnant and unadaptive. Some slogans are even sarcastic: “Leave the past, grand-papa!”
This implacable progress reached education at its pick, and the schools are bending to this new trend, including in their transcripts subjects that will teach eloquently this new art. We have at schools even resources of 5D presentation, at least at some schools.
It is important to remark here that this technology reaches schools only after it is sold well enough in the technocrat world.
How interesting! See the advancements purporting so many communication techniques and resources, in which the contemporary society has plunged, and only few schools has fostered their students with them, once they can count on extra budget. This way of conducting the artificial progress has just revealed that the education area is not only the agent that affects the innovations, but it is also affected by them. This is the reason why the Superior Reasoning defines it as inverted wisdom. What happens when, after witnessing all these marvels, someone approaches a child, who is being trained in this technological apparatus, and asks it: ”What do you think should be taught at schools?”
The child answers: “ They should us teach us what we don't know about the future!”
And, again, the question goes: ”And what is it we don't know about the future?”
And it answers: “You ask the men from the future!”
This dialogue has been extracted from a report.
A brief commentary: the more you move ahead in the technological trend, you will never be able to hide the simplicity and ingenuity of a child before these new arts, which just proves that, if this whole artificial progress does not suffice to appease an infant spirit, how would it do good to other human spirits, who live totally unknown about themselves?
What is the most import to know, nobody does! It is the same as saying: “so many people in the World and so little knowledge.” Now then, how could the future justify to that little child from the human arts schools all this technological trend? The answer to this question can only be achieved in the Rational Culture Books.
Nevertheless this answer exists and it demonstrates the imperative to meet the Culture of the true origin of humanity.
We may say that, considering all we have learned so far, the answer from the Future can only be found in the Rational Culture Books; the future has its own language and the Rational Culture Books is written in this language.
Let's highlight this cultural aspect contained in the Rational Culture Books, which is quite the opposite to the prevailing concept in this world. Firstly, we have the preparation, then the development and, lastly, the applications that will bring great realizations and innovations for the Future.
On the other hand, the human Knowledge presents all the artificial and technological innovations and, only then, it will educate the people about them. If we really set off to understand man's position in the Future, first of all, we have to prepare ourselves culturally for the true innovations that are to come.
This aspect is, certainly, one of the factors that cause some sort of resistance to the culture of the disenchantment. Some people still do not understand what Rational Culture is and, as a consequence, they make confusions, by using religious or scientific terms to define it. They assume that Rational Culture is another artificial means of the Enchantment.
Firstly, education, preparation, development are the fundamental things that should be taught by the man of the Future. Next, the realization, application and elucidation of all benefits of what one has learned. This will bring about the true sage over our existence.
What is the point in carrying out with all this technological innovations, if the human spirit is still dipped in ignorance? If the human spirits are still destroying one another, immersed in greed and ambition? When all of them are instilled by apparent concepts such as the technological marvels? If only just a few can have high-tech gadgets, then what is the purpose of all that?
The most important aspect that has been missed by the majority of the people, who are dipped in the Enchantment. This is really what would fill in in the void of wisdom in the human spirit and, consequently, the universal harmonization.
(*1st volume) “You linger there, in this dump of enchantment, fitting it all very well to see if you could find the right, and the right is always in Infinite. The suffering is dragging everyone. This is the point of living in an appalling enchantment, day and night, wasting time on this Wisdom, which tell that the world is a wax machine.”
The Superior Rational has made everyone aware that the world is not what many thought it was, and he adds that, “ the world is converted by inverted Wisdom. This is so visible that the Suffering has broken out around the world; thus everyone now accepts the solution and salvation, only, through the development of the destructive arts. Soon the water will boil and cool off, suddenly, like a blazing stick thrown into water, whose flame flares up and , then, vanishes. I, THE SUPERIOR RATIONAL, want to make everyone aware that it will all be settled with and the peace will reign again.”
Here you have the Future's answer for the kids who want a different education. The kids want to know what is going to happen in the world, and they feel the need to know what the present won't teach them.
Therefore, it is compulsory that we inform these kids about this literature that prepares them to understand the Future, through the development of the Reasoning. Now,then, what does it really mean that the water will boil and cool off out of the blue? Understand that the metaphor presented above reflects exactly what is going on today. Check the climate changes that are becoming more and more unstable, which no super computer can follow; the psycho-social transformations all around the world, regardless the education and cultural level of the people.
Many of those variants are being observed, and many scientists are trying to find explanations for them. It is compulsory that we understand, fundamentally, what is going on in Nature. Nature has changed phase; the earlier phase (the phase of thought) has finished. And because of that, the apparent equilibrium, which people have, is gone. This has been causing all kinds of problems that are seen around, with violence, madness and anger. Nevertheless some people are still insisting on old and outdated concepts of Salvation. Salvation is in the Knowledge and in the Development of the Reasoning.
The answer to all that can only be found in Rational Culture – the preparing culture for the Future. It operates within the natural factor for life comprehension of world and its origin. It clarifies why the world is in constant transformations!
The answer is found in Rational Culture – the culture that prepares us for the Future. It operates within the natural factor for life comprehension and the world's and its origin. It clarifies why the world is in constant transformations!
(*) 1st volume of the Book Universe in Disenchantment
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