terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012


For many it seemed that they would never know Nature, because they thought she was something unfathomable and uncanny.
They believed that Nature's mysteries could never be unfolded. However, this was typical of those who never knew themselves and, also, because the time for unfolding such mysteries had not yet arrived.
The time for fathoming all these mysteries has come up along with the Rational Phase, which is the Phase of Universal Clarification.
The Rational True Light had yet not come upon this world to bring the Rational Lucidity. For this reason, everyone lived in a poor state of mind, thinking that Nature was against whoever tried to unfold her mysteries.
But today, in the Rational Phase, the knowledge of all these mysteries is at everyone's reach to disclose all this plethora of endless riddles.
Now that everyone is on their way to know themselves, they can see that in the class of Rational Animal, they could never reach this point. However, each person did whatever he or she could, in order to keep up with this life, the best way possible.
That is the reason why life was of appearances, in which each individual tried to adorn it with his or her dreams and fantasies.
Why? Because nobody had any clue about themselves. Thus the value of the appearances reflected the ambitions of those who wanted to live unaware of themselves. The privileges of life was in the best adornings.
And why things were this way? Because nobody knew themselves. And it continues the same for those who don't know themselves Rationally.
Thus people created their own strategies to lead a life without any Self-Knowledge.
This state of unawareness led everyone to accept whatever they came across, submitting themselves to weak experiences, which were partly good, and never sufficed to bring happiness and assuage their suffering. And for this reason the pain and suffering have been going on since primeval times.
Since you had no clue of what you were, you all have remained as robots of the Thought., ignoring its hermetical and enclosed nature, like a cell where there is only suffering and pain. However, the Thought was essential to demolish man's rudeness.
What a bitter subjugation! And that overwhelms the Living Being, leaving it at a standstill without any possibility of moving up. THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNEW OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU NEED TO KNOW, THE REASONING!
Thus the Thought could never attain the Eternity, for it was a machine from the ground, made of matter, so that it would fulfil its purpose of nailing the human beings down in this world, who left their Rational Origin for their own Free-will. And, consequently, they have created this Hell, where everyone lives under constant transformations.
When people know themselves Rationally, they will know what Nature is and understand the True Individuality. This Individuality is the lost Rational Being who can take us back to our True World of Origin, THE RATIONAL WORLD – PURE, CLEAN AND PERFECT!
Mother Nature has accomplished her mission, preparing us for the 3rd Millennium, through the Imagination in the 1st Millennium, and the Thought in the 2nd Millennium. And now, in the Rational Phase, we will develop the Reasoning. This is the greatest Gift of Nature to us – the Rational Phase.
Where are some people, though, who judge themselves better than Nature. They stick with the old phase and deny their own Self-Knowledge. Since the Freewill should be respected, this leaves Mother Nature with no option but to allow these people to be liquidated with the end of the phase of Thought.
The Liquidation of this Phase is bringing down to humanity all the monstrosity, such as the moral, physical and financial downfall.
If the Thinker, despite all their endeavour, have tried to find a solution to all this problems without any success, it is due to the fact the Phase of Thought had finished since 1935. And, thus, it is no longer in function!
The Natural Phase of Nature is the Rational Phase. In this Phase everyone will know themselves or fall into destruction for living against Mother Nature. Therefore it is mandatory that you know yourselves in order to rule with Nature. Once you know who you are, you will live well under the culture of mother Nature. And this culture is found in the RATIONAL CULTURE BOOKS (PHONE: 51 31 2555-0054 – BRAZIL)

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