sábado, 11 de maio de 2013


(Severino dos Reis)
My dear friends from our blog: if you are tired of asking boring questions such as: who are we? From where we came? And where are we going to? How did the wilderness of the Universe come to existence and why? And so many other questions without ever being able to respond them, don’t be afraid. Nobody can really answer these questions.
You don’t know anything and neither the scientists. Now, however, all these questions are being responded in RATIONAL CULTURE.
In this article, for instance, we will learn more about the origin of the colors. You know they are present everywhere: in the Sun, in the Moon, in the Water, in the Earth, in the Animals, in the Vegetables - in short - they are out there to be seen by the eyes.
From the scientific point of view, Isaac Newton was the first to study the colors present in the solar light - when he observed a bundle of light splitting in its several colored aspects; nonetheless he was never able to tell their origin in the Universe.
In his studies, he observed that the white light from the Sun produced, after reflecting on the rain drops in the sky, the so called rainbow.
Moreover, it was also found out that the Sun light was composed by several colors; and each color was, in fact, produced by a different wavelength of irradiation. Thus through optical analysis it is possible to observe that the red absorbs the irradiation from the yellow, green, blue and violet; whereas the black absorbs irradiation from all colors.
That is the reason why the red and the black are unbearable in the summer, for they absorb too much radiation.
The white, on the other hand, absorbs no color but reflects it; for this reason, the white is a neutral and more propitious color to be used in the summer.
The light is, consequently, a carrier of energy, and once a body absorbs color, it will retain energy in the form of heat.
These conclusions, drawn from the Sciences about the colors, make us feel very comfortable to prove the fact that RATIONAL CULTURE clarifies everything that exists in the world through a natural and simple language - meant to be construed by those who do not hold academic instructions -, otherwise, it would be restricted to people of academic formation. and it would exclude the vast majority of people. The Thought Culture is very complex and artificial. Moreover, the thinkers work through hypothesis in order to give their final verdict, since they never saw how things were made in this world, and why they were made. The Superior Rational, on his turn, is the one who saw how everything was made, for everything came out of his world - THE RATIONAL WORLD.
So, how did the colors come to existence?
In the RATIONAL WORLD, where lies the cause to this world of ours, there is no differences or unbalance, for being pure, clean and perfect, made of just one energy the RATIONAL ENERGY - therefore there are no cold or heat and no colors.
Nevertheless, once the Rationals started to progress on the Rational Plain, it got split from the RATIONAL WORLD and started to go down, causing the Rationals who were on it to lose their light, which gathered in a spot. This spot began to grow out of proportion turning into a body of energy where there was pression and heat. This body of energy heated the plain, melting one part of it into a kind of gum. The gum started to sear under the effect of the heat, and then, the colors were formed.
As time went by, more light from the Rational Beings got added to the new body of energy,
The enormous heat made the other part of the gum turn into something, which was called water, and the gum that seared crumbled, producing what was called Earth.
Later on, that body of energy turned into fire and became what we know as the sun. This is the reason why the colors are related with the emanations of light, namely, the Sun light. They were caused by the sun. The sun light contains all the colors in the form of energetic radiation. Everything is colored in the material world, going from the transparency of the water to the white and all the other colors.
The white, for instance, was the first color to come out when the purity of the environment started to ebb and, as the heat went gradually up, the other colors started to surface too.
From the white, it started to get yellow, and from the yellow it got to the red and, subsequently, the green, blue and the violet also emerged. Finally, the full action of the heat brought about the state of charring, which prompted the existence of the black color.
Those, who partake the real knowledge of the formation of the colors, know consciously about their true influences. Jesus and all the great missionaries wore white, and the white became the symbol of purity. The white symbolizes the beginning when the Rational Energy was still in effect in the formation of this world. It harmonizes with all the other colors because of its neutrality.
The red the color of the blood symbolizes war, and it was produced when the body of energy turned into electric and magnetic energy - fire. The red indicates danger!
And the black symbolizes the end, when what was left from the purity turned into matter - the magnetic energy, evil!
The black color is the color of death; the yellow is the color of the wealth; the green is the color of happiness; the violet is the color of superstition.
According to the Superior Rational, each color represents a different stage in the DEFORMATION. The Rational Culture Students wear white, because it resonates with all the other colors.
To acquire further understanding of these facts, it is mandatory that we develop the Reasoning through the study of the Rational Culture Books, so that we can leave the field of the hypothesis - brought forth by the Thought -, and grasp the truth of the Creation.
I thus invite all the human beings to approach this marvelous culture and learn the truth about the universe and themselves.

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