domingo, 19 de maio de 2013


“Peace is the only way to reach the truly human feeling” “Life has solution and you will find it in the development of the Reasoning”
Many announcements have been made, both in the past and today, regarding the Humanity’s Salvation which is to happen in this century.
And it came about in South America, the knowledge that will tell us from where we came and to where we are going.
Everyone is of RATIONAL ORIGIN and, for this reason, everyone will return to the RATIONAL WORLD.
The world urges that it gets to their hands as soon as possible.
Many have been told about it by the star beings, who are working on the Rational Line.
They told their channels that the Rational Knowledge of the Eternal Salvation is on Earth, in Brazil, at a particular place.
This knowledge is, thus, evolving very fast due to the spread that is being made by those who know of it.
Thus Brazil will be a small place to host the whole world.
That is because this is the most awaited Knowledge in the Universe.
A knowledge of world concord for the Salvation of The Rational Animal.
People will flock to Brazil to see the house where the Rational Immunization was born.
They want to meet the SUPERIOR RATIONAL OF THE EARTH, who is the true divine being and carrier of humanity to its Rational Dwelling – the Rational World.
From now on, movements will be intensified all around the world, for the Rational Beings will manifest at all places, spreading the Rational Phase with their luminous bodies, calling the attention of humanity.
I would as far as to say that something weird is going on on Earth.
And it will be like that until everyone is aware that it concerns the Eternal Salvation.
Throughout the world, people will experience a new feeling, which is to meet their true World of Origin, and they will want to have in their hands the book that offers the Rational Redemption.
They will do whatever they can to get hold of it, because they will understand that it symbolizes their true Salvation.
The rush and excitement is justified by the influence of the Rational Energy. And the world is gradually approaching this reality.
Humanity can no longer withstand so much suffering.
It is for now, because great is the dispair in those claiming for an end to their pain.
The Rational Energy is there on Earth, taking providence for the human kind’s salvation.
The announcements of the Rational Beings are growing in Space, alarming people, by saying:
“Something is going on in the world”.
And everything is right now. It was an inhabitant of the Rational World who arrived on Earth to plant the Salvation and Recuperation of the human kind, who will return to their true world of origin – THE RATIONAL WORLD.
Brazil will be small to host the whole world.
Everyone wants to see at close who is this person who brought the knowledge of our Origin.
This is going to be the contagious bliss of the people who could no longer endure this life, and now know for a fact that they don’t belong in here.
They will know from where they came and to where they are going and how they are returning to their WORLD OF ORIGIN.
By returning to the Origin, humanity will stop being Rational animals and will become Rationals, pure, clean and perfect.
This is the so awaited future by humanity, the real treasure of life – the Eternal Salvation!
For this reason, we reiterate:

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