terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2015


(Gilberto Carnasciali, a student of Rational Culture, Miguel Pereira, RJ – BRAZIL)

Time passes more and more quickly and people realize and
complain without hitting upon the cause of the acceleration. They
complain about the lack of time to accomplish everything they
have to do in twenty four hours and keep asking that an extra few
hours be added to their day.

The Book Universe in Disenchantment explains that this world of
matter is a consequence of another world, previous to this one,
from where all existing life in the material universe and in the
very Rational Plain was originated from, which is the place where
our World of Origin is, the RATIONAL WORLD.

In that Rational Plain, we were pure, clean and perfect beings and
we lived a life of Rational progress, until we inadvertedly entered
a part of the Plain that was not ready to progress. 

Notwithstanding our Father’s – the RATIONAL SUPERIOR –
unaccountable warnings, we believed that the energies in that part
of the Plain were the same, but, on the contrary, they started to
deteriorate and to regress instead of progressing. From that
moment on, time, as well as space and matter came into life.

Material life. And in that voyage of 21 incommensurable
eternities, so slowly they passed, we went on losing everything of
good that we carried when we were pure, clean, perfect and
eternal beings, becoming in the process impure, polluted,
deformed and mortals.

We regressed from our Rational sapience, one of our lost virtues,
we extinguished ourselves in the water and in the resin, sprout
from the ground, became monsters, then savages, later civilized
and finally Rational animals.

The Astrological Alphabet appeared then, making everyone’s life
easier for it made living together more practical. Through a quick
reading of the palm of the hand people got to know each other as
if they had known each other for ages, but since they did not
agree with the instructions of how to live life as engraved in the
palms of the hands of each one, they invented a terrestrial
alphabet abiding by it.

Those beings that created that new alphabet judging that it would
please all tastes are ourselves.

We started to educate ourselves, learning to speak correctly, to
write correctly, and to express ourselves correctly.

Then, the dictionaries started to come out, for we created such a
large vocabulary that no one was able to know it completely.

Then, having in view the amount of meanings that each word has,
we created a dictionary of synonyms. But in the process we
discovered that for each word there was an antagonist one, so we
created the dictionary of antonyms.

A whole world of meanings of words, of synonyms and
antonyms. A DUAL world inhabited by confused beings. Worse
still, as time passes, the number of dictionaries increases with
their grotesque thicknesses, thus defining the animalist anxiety of
wanting to explain the inexplicable, for nothing here in the matter
has an explanation, seen that they are all appearances, as we
ourselves are, mere appearances reflected on the illusion of a
terrestrial life, of matter in the matter, totally devalued, for it does
not guarantee anything, just the suffering, has a beginning and an
end, is always transforming itself, in short, a ZERO.

In the RATIONAL WORLD, that world that no one remembers,
that world that we once inhabited and then descended in the spiral
of our lost virtues, there no one speaks, no one writes and
everyone communicates. Trying to simplify for us terrestrials, it is
as if they spoke the “Reasonish”, in other words the RATIONAL
REASONING, eternal, pure, clean and perfect.

That is the inverted knowledge that the Scripture UNIVERSE IN
DISENCHANTMENT so well describes.

But we come to 1935, and all of a sudden the Rational Phase
together with Nature comes into force. In order to replace that
uncommon quantity of written and printed dictionaries in all the
languages of humanity, the RATIONAL SUPERIOR materialized
Himself here on Earth in the form of Lord Manoel Jacintho
Coelho, to whom He dictated the Scripture UNIVERSE IN

Nothing to do with dictionaries, but with the history of each one
of us humans, and the universe in which we are materially
inserted, narrated in 1009 volumes.

It tells with richness of details how our life was in the Rational
Plain when we were pure, clean and perfect beings; how and why
we left the Paradise and ended up here in this illusory world of
the extinction of our bodies in the materialized plain, all our
course from lubberly monster until the present moment of choice:

– either we become Rational Apparatuses through the reading
and study of the Rational Culture Work, divulging it in all
forms and ways;

– or we become indifferent or even reactionaries to the last
resort that is thrown to us and are dragged by the magnetic
force to the depths where the irrationals suffer.

One more transformation among the unaccountable ones through
which we passed. For some, the last one. For others 7 more
eternities of lapidation and suffering.

Such as we had the free will and choice up there, in the Rational
Plain, we are having it now, at this final and decisive moment:

To ascend or to descend!

The SUPREME GOODNESS is the one that offers us the choice,
only that, for IT never participates in the choices, only provides
us with the tools, the means for us to make it properly. The
choices are of our total responsibility.

Many have already ascended in the Astrological Alphabet phase
and many are restarting to ascend now in the Rational Apparatus
Phase. The acceleration of time is explained by this fact. The
more the world of matter nears the RATIONAL WORLD in its
own ascention, the more the second world becomes similar to the
First World, the Original World, where matter, time and space, do
not exist. The Rational evolution in the matter happens in several
ways and the shortening of time is one of them.

Therefore the die is cast:


The Rational Guidance is a gift of the DEVINE PROVIDENCE.

We cannot but receive it.


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